Friday, August 7, 2009


Since July 16, an article from the Wall Street Journal "New Stars of the Blogoshere" keeps bubbling to the top of the clutter glacier in my office. The article recounts the emergence of "econoblogs"and provided links to ten them, together with rating on their originality, geekiness, and readability. So here's a chance for me to stress test my grasp of RSS readers, as I subscribe to a smallish handful of them.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

While visiting Barbara Spring in Big Sur recently, I noticed this bench, which overlooks a ravine. The scrolls on the three arm rests caught my eye. Unfortunately, my camera flash cast a shadow.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Learning Google Analytics

I have enabled Google Analytics tracking on my blog. Thanks for visiting!

Below the blogging threshold

I have been exploring Twitter and Facebook, finding these sites meet most of my blogging needs.